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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

What Does It Feel Like To Be An Introvert?

when people think or assume I am rude-arrogant because of their failure to get the kind of reaction they had wanted from me in some context, just like people give upon for being completely nonreactive. I feel frustrated when I cannot explain to them, that just because I am unable to express something that I feel, doesn't mean that I don't feel it at all! The aftermath of my apparent coldness is that they stop telling me stuff because of the lack of excitement that they had anticipated.

because I don't enter every argument that I am invited to. I don't react to all the bullshit thrown at me. Instead, I find myself making a mental note never to get into that particular conversation again or to avoid that topic of discussion with that particular person, just to shun any foreseen dispute.

because I have many hidden personality traits that people don't know about. Just like when you tell someone you are an introvert, they'll presume you don't talk at all. But very few know that the truth!

when once in a while, out of the blue, someone understands and respects my way of speech and living. The bonding then reacts, resulting to form the very compatible relationship.

very few people understand my silence more than my words, the ones that know the facts will agree that it is irreplaceable.

And finally , I feel noble when I can empathize with other people more as a result of my introversion, since not only do I understand their words, but I also understand their silence.

PS : I believe I am a very good listener, it's an art :)
PSS : I have myriad of short comings as a mortal, I have my own defense system to tackle 'out of comfort zones' which many people don't agree with but that's ME. I try not to get in anyone's way but if it happens, we can safely assume it to be plain bad luck and try and live happily (ever after).

Edits Coming Every Other Day!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

RAW's most daring attempt : Operation Kahuta

After struggling for days for some concrete information on the subject, here is the summary of what all I could make a reconnaissance of during the research.

The Research and Analysis Wing (RAW),  India's external intelligence agency launched the ambitious 'Operation Kahuta' in 1977 to infiltrate into Pakistan's atomic energy installations. Operation Kahuta is regarded by many as one of the most daring operations ever conducted by RAW. The only reason it failed was due to a grave blunder by an Indian Prime Minister.

Kahuta is the site of the Khan Research Laboratories (KRL), Pakistan’s main nuclear weapons laboratory as well as an emerging center for long-range missile development. The primary Pakistani fissile-material production facility is located at Kahuta, employing gas centrifuge enrichment technology to produce Highly Enriched Uranium (necessary for nuclear weapons). RAW first confirmed Pakistan’s nuclear programs by analyzing the hair samples of scientists taken from the floor of barber shops near KRL; which showed that Pakistan had developed the ability to enrich uranium to weapons-grade quality.

RAW agents knew of Kahuta Research Laboratories from at least early 1978, when the then Indian Prime Minister, Morarji Desai stopped RAW's operations on Pakistan’s covert nuclear weapons program.  In an indiscreet moment in a telephone conversation one day, Morarji Desai informed the then Pakistan President, Zia-ul-Haq, that India was aware of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program.

According to later reports, acting on this “tip-off”, Pakistani intelligence eliminated RAW’s agents in Kahuta, leaving India in the dark about Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program from then onwards.

RAW and Mossad
It was 1950s when India gave permission to Israel to make a Consulate in Mumbai. There was no diplomatic Relationship because India supported Palestinian Cause.

R.N Kao , legendary spy master who was founder of RAW, India’s Foreign Intelligence was given the responsibility of developing silent diplomacy with Mossad. As a recent novel revealed that Special Arms from Tel Aviv were supplied to Mukti Bahani and Israel indeed helped India in 1971 war.

During 1971 ,Pakistan’s Foreign Minister visited North Korea which was threat to India. Israel had a fear that Pakistani Army officers are training Libyans and Iranians in handling Korean and Chinese Weapons.

Now, a mistake done in India is harmful to our agents anywhere in the world . Mistake happened when Morarji Desai then PM in 1977 called Zia Ul Haq,Pakistani Military Dictator and told him “General , i know what you are upto in Kahuta. RAW has given me all the details . And Pakistan wanted to keep Kahuta ,their Nuclear Capability a secret. In hurry, Zia Ul Haq checked all his network and our RAW agents lost their lives.

In 1967, at Nepal Gen Moshe Dayan, the Warrior of Israel in Israeli-Arab war visited Nepal and he was expected to meet the Indian Representatives. Islamabad feared this meeting was some joint Operation by RAW and Mossad to destroy their Kahuta dream. :)

Israel bombed the Iraq’s Nuclear Reactor in 1981 , Islamabad too had same worries. hence, in 1981 ISI planted surface to air missilies in Kahuta , they thought that Israel and India will strike anytime soon.

In early 1990s , Israeli students starting visiting Kashmir, ISI feared that they were from Israeli Defence Forces who came to counter terrorists in Kashmir. Pakistan in desperation , did a terrorist attack and one Israeli was killed and one was kidnapped which was saved later.  The killing of Israeli by terrorists shook Israel and Jews living in USA.

This led to embassy level relations between India and Israel in 1992 . Everyone was startled when an  Israeli Ambassador in an interview in 2008 said that Israel helped India in turning around the situation in Kargil War. Israel helped Indian Army by providing the much needed imagery of Pakistani army positions.

Source : The Internet :P